rompope (Mexican eggnog)

Enjoy this creamy and comforting recipe for Rompope (Mexican Eggnog) warm or cold and with or without rum.

Let’s get started!

- milk - egg yolks - sugar - cinnamon - spices - silvered almonds - vanilla - optional: rum

Ingredients Needed

If you have a nut allergy or sensitivity, leave the almonds out of the recipe.

*Quick Tip!*

Warm the milk and spices together in a pot over medium-high heat. 


Add the slivered almonds to milk mixture and set aside to soak for 30 minutes. Once cooled  place in a blender and blend until smooth. 


Whisk the egg yolks into the milk mixture until they’re incorporated. Heat for around 15 minutes, whisking until it thickens.


Either serve the finished Rompope warm or cold with a splash of rum in each glass!