buffalo chicken quesadillas

Buffalo chicken quesadillas are an easy crowd favorite that combines an American classic with a Mexican staple. Made with perfectly seasoned chicken, buffalo sauce, and lots of cheesee.

Let’s get started!

- tortillas - chicken - cheese - buffalo sauce - ranch dressing - butter - green onions - seasonings

Ingredients Needed

Leftover shredded chicken or even store-bought rotisserie chicken would work great fro this recipe!

*Quick Tip!*

Combine the chicken, buffalo sauce, green onions, ranch dressing, and seasonings in a large bowl.


Assemble the quesadillas by layering half of each tortilla with shredded cheese, a cup of shredded chicken mixture, and more shredded cheese.


Fold it over and cook the quesadillas in the skillet for 2 minutes per side until the cheese has fully melted and the quesadillas are golden brown.


Serve with sour cream, Mexican crema, or ranch dressing on the side. Enjoy!