mexican bunuelos

Often served during the Christmas and New Years holidays, this Mexican Bunuelos recipe makes the perfect fried dough covered in cinnamon sugar!

Let’s get started!

- all-purpose flour - baking powder - ground cinnamon - sugar - salt - oil - water

Ingredients Needed

Sprinkle the cinnamon sugar on the bunuelos as soon as possible to ensure that it “sticks” to the fried dough.

*Quick Tip!*

In a large bowl mix in flour, baking powder, salt, water, oil, and combine until the dough comes together.


Roll dough into a ball shape and rest for 30 minutes. Combine sugar and cinnamon in a small bowl, set aside. 


Divide dough into 8 pieces and roll into 10 inch circles. Heat frying pan with oil to 350°F. Fry each dough circle for 60 seconds on both sides.


Transfer to prepared plate to drain any excess oil. Sprinkle heavily with cinnamon sugar topping and enjoy!